By Bob Goemans
Site Supported in Part by:
Boyd Enterprises 

Coralline/Coralline-like Species

 Amphiroa cryptarthrodia (Branching Coralline Algae)

Amphiroa cryptarthrodia
Zanardini, 1844

Branching Coralline Algae

Likely Reef Tank Suitable

Likely Fish-Only Tank Suitable


An encrusting calcareous alga, sometimes thinly branched, appears in a variety of colors, e.g., pink, green, purple, white, yellow, maroon and brown. Most require turbulent water movement, low to medium light intensity of a broad spectrum, calcium level near or above 400 mg/l, maximum magnesium levels (related to salinity level), alkalinity above 3 meq/l and small additions of iodine as iodide. The following include some that can show up in the aquariums.

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Eco Tech Marine