By Bob Goemans
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Cassiopeia xamachana

Bigelow, 1892

Suction Cup Jellyfish, Upside-Down Jellyfish

Not Reef Tank Suitable

Not Suitable for Fish-Only Tank

Range: Western Atlantic Ocean: Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean.

Size: 10 inches (25 cm)

Natural Environment: Inhabits shallow lagoons having seagrass beds, sandy and muddy substrates, and mangrove areas.

Aquarium Suitability: Not usually collected for the home aquarium trade.

Photosynthetic, yet also absorbs nutrients from the surrounding water.

Should it become a desired species, moderate water currents along with a generous supply of Artemia nauplii are its basic requirements in captivity.


    Kingdom: Animalia

    Phylum: Cnidaria

    Class: Scyphozoa

    Order: Rhizostomeae

    Family: Cassiopeidae

    Genus: Cassiopeia

FYI: This species contains nematocysts that will sting human skin and a rash will develop, so contact with the bare skin should be avoided.

 Cassiopeia xamachana (Suction Cup Jellyfish, Upside-Down Jellyfish)
Photo © Wikimedia
 Cassiopeia xamachana (Suction Cup Jellyfish, Upside-Down Jellyfish)
Photo © Jim Stime
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